Echinoderms from the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve

最新版本 由 Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - Invemar 發佈於 2019年4月5日 Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - Invemar
This dataset is described and analyzed in the Data Report “Echinoderms of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve: state of knowledge and new findings” published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science 6:188, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00188. The data set comprises the checklist of the echinoderms species from the SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve (SFBR) based on the registers previously published by Borrero-Pérez et al. (2016), peer-reviewed papers or published reports of several investigations, open-access databases and records from unpublished results of samplings conducted in 2011 by Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Caribe and the Seaflower Expeditions 2016 and 2017. A total of 148 echinoderm species were found within the SFBR. Ophiuroidea was the most species-rich class (44 species), followed ... 增加顯示內容


This dataset is described and analyzed in the Data Report “Echinoderms of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve: state of knowledge and new findings” published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science 6:188, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00188. The data set comprises the checklist of the echinoderms species from the SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve (SFBR) based on the registers previously published by Borrero-Pérez et al. (2016), peer-reviewed papers or published reports of several investigations, open-access databases and records from unpublished results of samplings conducted in 2011 by Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Caribe and the Seaflower Expeditions 2016 and 2017. A total of 148 echinoderm species were found within the SFBR. Ophiuroidea was the most species-rich class (44 species), followed by Asteroidea (38), Echinoidea (31), Holothuroidea (26) and finally Crinoidea (9).


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Borrero-Pérez G H, Benavides-Serrato M, Campos N H, Galeano-Galeano E, Gavio B, Medina J, Abril-Howard A (2018): Echinoderms from the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. v1.0. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras – INVEMAR. Dataset/Checklist.



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - Invemar。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 5a39c87c-9d97-4282-b3a9-e2c292b4729d。  Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - Invemar 發佈此資源,並經由Colombian Biodiversity Information System同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Checklist; Inventoryregional; SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve; Caribbean Sea; Colombia; Taxonomic inventory; New records; Distribution patterns; Echinoderms; Crinoidea; Asteroidea; Ophiuroidea; Echinoidea; Holothuroidea; null



Giomar H. Borrero-Pérez
Calle 25 No. 2-55, Playa Salguero
470006 Santa Marta
57 54328600 Ext 142
Milena Benavides-Serrato
CECIMAR, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Caribe, Santa Marta
Nestor H. Campos
CECIMAR, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Caribe, Santa Marta
Elizabeth Galeano-Galeano
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Caribe, San Andrés Isla
Brigitte Gavio
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Caribe, San Andrés Isla
Jairo Medina
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Caribe, San Andres Isla
Alfredo Abril-Howard
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Caribe, San Andres Isla


Giomar H. Borrero-Pérez
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR
Calle 25 No. 2-55, Playa Salguero
470006 Santa Marta
57 54328600 Ext 142
Erika Montoya-Cadavid
Administrador IPT-SIBM
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR
Calle 25 No. 2-55, Playa Salguero
470006 Santa Marta
57 54328600 Ext 143


Giomar Helena Borrero Pérez
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR
Calle 25 No. 2-55, Playa Salguero
470006 Santa Marta
57 54328600 Ext 142


Giomar Helena Borrero Pérez
Calle 25 No. 2-55, Playa Salguero
470006 Santa Marta
57 54328600
Julio Bohorquez
Administrador Bases de datos Invemar
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR
Calle 25 No. 2-55, Playa Salguero
470006 Santa Marta
+5754328600 Ext. 363


The SFBR was declared in November 2000 by UNESCO, and covers the extension of the department of Colombia “Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina”, which has an approximate area of 180,000 km2 of which less than 1% is emerged (CORALINA-INVEMAR, 2012). Within the SFBR is the Marine Protected Area Seaflower with 65,018 km2, declared in 2005 and divided in three sections: a northern section (37,522 km2) that includes Quitasueño, Serrana and Roncador as well as multiple deep submerged banks; a central section (12,716 km2) that includes Providencia and Santa Catalina; and a southern section (14,780 km2) encompassing San Andrés, Bolívar and Albuquerque among other banks (Figure 1). Although the sections share similar environments dominated by corals, transparent waters and oceanic features, each one has particular dynamics of fishing exploitation, which make them to require specific management actions (CORALINA-INVEMAR, 2012).

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [11, -81], 緯度北界 經度東界 [16.2, -77]


In the present dataset, we report a total of 148 echinoderm species within the SFBR. Ophiuroidea was the most species-rich class (44 species), followed by Asteroidea (38), Echinoidea (31), Holothuroidea (26) and Crinoidea (9).

Class  Crinoidea,  Asteroidea,  Ophiuroidea,  Echinoidea,  Holothuroidea


起始日期 / 結束日期 1884-03-01 / 2017-12-01


This dataset is reported in the data report “Echinoderms of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve: state of knowledge and new findings” published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science 6:188, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00188 (Borrero-Pérez et al., 2019). We updates the checklist presented by Borrero-Pérez et al. (2016) including new records from unpublished results of samplings conducted in 2011 by Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Caribe, the Seaflower Expeditions 2016 and 2017, and open-access databases. A descriptive analysis of species richness and spatial distribution patterns was made and some outcomes are presented. A total of 148 echinoderm species were found within the SFBR. Ophiuroidea was the most species-rich class (44 species), followed by Asteroidea (38), Echinoidea (31), Holothuroidea (26) and finally Crinoidea (9). Projects involved: "Aproximación a la diversidad de equinodermos en los cayos del norte, Reserva de Biosfera Seaflower" – Universidad Nacional 2011; “Estado del conocimiento de equinodermos en isla Cayo Serrana: biodiversidad y conectividad en el mar Caribe” - Expedición Seaflower, 2016, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, INVEMAR; “Caracterización de la epifauna y macrobentos (0 – 800m) de Isla Cayo Serranilla y áreas aledañas” – Expedición Seaflower 2017, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, INVEMAR; “Evaluación física y biológica de las unidades ecológicas someras en la Isla Cayo Serranilla de la Reserva de Biósfera Seaflower” – Expedicion SeaFlower, 2017, INVEMAR, Coralina.

計畫名稱 Echinoderms of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve: state of knowledge and new findings
辨識碼 Echinoderms SFBR
經費來源 This work was supported by INVEMAR, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL), Comisión Colombiana del Océano, through Colombia BIO–Colciencias project, agreement No. 341 of 2017; and UNAL-Sede Caribe, Gobernación Departamental de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina and Corporación Autónoma Regional-CORALINA, agreement No. 021 of 2011.
研究區域描述 SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve
研究設計描述 This dataset compiles the lists of echinoderms species recorded within the SFBR and derived from: i) Peer reviewed papers or published reports of several investigations, most of them supported by voucher specimens deposited at Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia (MHNMC-INVEMAR), available through the Sistema de Información sobre Biodiversidad Marina (SIBM), and at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) (Quiñones, 1981; INVEMAR-ANH, 2012; Vega-Sequeda et al., 2015; Clark, 1939; Clark and Downey, 1992; Benavides-Serrato et al., 2011; Borrero-Pérez et al., 2012; Benavides-Serrato et al., 2013; CORALINA, 2001; García et al., 2003; Díaz et al., 2003; Vélez, 2003; García-Hanse and Álvarez-León, 2007; Lasso, 2007a, b; Mejía-Ladino et al., 2008; Abril-Howard et al., 2012; INVEMAR-SIBM a, b, c; NMNH); ii) The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) data base; iii) The Global Biodiversity of Information Facility (GBIF) data base. The search at GBIF data base was conducted using two polygons including the SFBR: Polygon 1 (-80W 11.8N,-78W 11.8N, -78W 16.2N, -80W 16.2N, -80W 11.8N), Polygon 2 (-82W 11N, -80W 11N, -80W 15N, -82W 15N, -82W 11N); iv) Biological records available at SIB Colombia reporting the unpublished results of samplings made in 2011 and the results of several projects developed during the Seaflower Expeditions 2016 and 2017 (Unal et al., 2016; Benavides-Serrato et al., 2018a, b; Borrero-Pérez 2018). The following nine fields are presented per species in this dataset: taxonID and scientificNameID: These fields include a unique and stable-through-time alphanumeric identifier (taxonomic identifier) AphiaID provided by World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). locality: Specific localities were the species have been recorded in the SFBR are presented in this field. Fourteen localities were defined (Figure 1) considering the largest islands San Andrés (1), and Providencia and Santa Catalina (2); the Cay Islands Serranilla (3), Bajo Nuevo (4), Quitasueño (5), Serrana (6), Roncador (7), Albuquerque (8) and Bolivar (9); the Joint Regime Area Jamaica-Colombia (ARC Jamaica-Colombia, in Spanish) (10); the administrative sections of the SeaFlower marine protected area: North section (11), Central section (12) and South section (13) (INVEMAR-CORALINA, 2012), that were used to locate the species not recorded in the area near the islands or cays; and finally, the locality Seaflower BR (14), where all the recorded species outside of the previously mentioned localities and sections were located. locationID and coordinates: Fields based on the Marine regions Gazetteer ( catalogNumber and collectionCode: These fields list catalogued lots available for each species, indicating the museums were they are deposited. basisOfRecord: This field indicates PreservedSpecimens and HumanObservations, which includes records from literature. bibliographicCitation: This field includes the reference that explicitly mentions the species in the RBSF, usually with voucher specimens. References: This field includes references that have compiled echinoderm species records in the SFBR or in the Colombian Caribbean Sea. institutionCode: This field includes the name (or acronym) in use by the institution having custody of the object(s) or information referred to in the record. eventDate: This field includes the date of collection of the specimens recorded. Wherever the exact collection date is unknown, a comment appears in the field eventRemarks.


Giomar H. Borrero-Pérez
Milena Benavides-Serrato
Nestor H. Campos
Elizabeth Galeano-Galeano
Brigitte Gavio
Jairo Medina
Alfredo Abril-Howard


This dataset compiles the lists of echinoderms species recorded within the SFBR and derived from: i) Peer reviewed papers or published reports of several investigations, most of them supported by voucher specimens deposited at Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia (MHNMC-INVEMAR), available through the Sistema de Información sobre Biodiversidad Marina (SIBM), and at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) (Quiñones, 1981; INVEMAR-ANH, 2012; Vega-Sequeda et al., 2015; Clark, 1939; Clark and Downey, 1992; Benavides-Serrato et al., 2011; Borrero-Pérez et al., 2012; Benavides-Serrato et al., 2013; CORALINA, 2001; García et al., 2003; Díaz et al., 2003; Vélez, 2003; García-Hanse and Álvarez-León, 2007; Lasso, 2007a, b; Mejía-Ladino et al., 2008; Abril-Howard et al., 2012; INVEMAR-SIBM a, b, c; NMNH); ii) The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) data base; iii) The Global Biodiversity of Information Facility (GBIF) data base. The search at GBIF data base was conducted using two polygons including the SFBR: Polygon 1 (-80W 11.8N,-78W 11.8N, -78W 16.2N, -80W 16.2N, -80W 11.8N), Polygon 2 (-82W 11N, -80W 11N, -80W 15N, -82W 15N, -82W 11N); iv) Biological records available at SIB Colombia reporting the unpublished results of samplings made in 2011 and the results of several projects developed during the Seaflower Expeditions 2016 and 2017 (Unal et al., 2016; Benavides-Serrato et al., 2018a, b; Borrero-Pérez 2018).

研究範圍 SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve
品質控管 Most of the species (88%) included in this study have vouchers deposited in several biological collections, mostly in the Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia (MHNMC-INVEMAR), the National Museum of Natural History-Smithsonian (NMNH-Smithsonian), and others, making a more reliable inventory.


  1. Revision of literature and compilation of data, from: i) Peer reviewed papers or published reports of several investigations, most of them supported by voucher specimens deposited at Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia (MHNMC-INVEMAR), available through the Sistema de Información sobre Biodiversidad Marina (SIBM), and at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH); ii) The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) data base; iii) The Global Biodiversity of Information Facility (GBIF) data base; iv) Biological records available at SIB Colombia reporting the unpublished results of samplings made in 2011 and the results of several projects developed during the Seaflower Expeditions 2016 and 2017.
  2. Organization of the data according to the defined fields: taxonID, scientificNameID, locality, locationID and coordinates, catalogNumber, collectionCode, basisOfRecord, bibliographicCitation, References, institutionCode, eventDate, eventRemarks.


蒐藏名稱 Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia
蒐藏編號 MHNMC
蒐藏名稱 Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
蒐藏編號 USNM
蒐藏名稱 Marine Invertebrates, Texas A&M University Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections
蒐藏編號 TCWC


  1. Abril-Howard, A., Bolaños, N., Machacón, I., Lasso, J., Gómez, D.I., Ward, V. (2012). Actualización del conocimiento de los ecosistemas marinos en la Reserva de Biósfera Seaflower, con énfasis en las islas de San Andrés y Providencia. 129-157 pp. en CORALINA-INVEMAR, 2012. Gómez-López, D. I., C. Segura-Quintero, P. C. Sierra-Correa y J. Garay-Tinoco (Eds). Atlas de la Reserva de Biósfera Seaflower. Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives De Andréis” -INVEMAR- y Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina -CORALINA-. Serie de Publicaciones Especiales de INVEMAR 28. Santa Marta, Colombia 180 p.
  2. Benavides-Serrato, M., Gavio, B., Galeano, E., Medina, J., Abril-Horward, A. (2018a). Diversidad de equinodermos en los cayos del norte, Reserva de Biósfera SeaFlower, 2011. v1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dataset/Occurrence.
  3. Benavides-Serrato, M., Borrero-Pérez, G.H., Merchán-Cepeda, A., Campos Campos., N.H. (2018b). Caracterización de la epifauna y macrobentos (0-800 m) de Isla Cayo Serranilla y Áreas aledañas: Equinodermos primera fase 2017. v1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dataset/Occurrence.
  4. Benavides-Serrato M., Borrero-Pérez, G.H., Cantera, J.R., Cohen-Rengifo, M., Neira, R. (2013). Echinoderms of Colombia. 145-182 pp. En: Alvarado-Barrientos, J.J. y F.A. Solís-Marín (Eds.), 2013. Echinoderm Research and Diversity in Latin America, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20051-9 _ 5, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 658 p.
  5. Benavides-Serrato, M., Borrero-Pérez, G.H., Díaz-Sánchez, C.M. (2011). Equinodermos del Caribe colombiano I: Crinoidea, Asteroidea y Ophiuoridea. Serie de Publicaciones Especiales de Invemar 22. Santa Marta.
  6. Borrero-Pérez, G.H. (2018). Equinodermos_unidades_ecologicas_someras_Serranilla2017-Seflower-Proyecto_Colombia_BIO. v1. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras – INVEMAR. Dataset/Occurrence.
  7. Borrero-Pérez, G.H., Benavides-Serrato, M., Díaz-Sánchez, C.M. (2012). Equinodermos del Caribe colombiano II: Echinoidea y Holothuroidea. Serie de Publicaciones Especiales de Invemar No. 30. Santa Marta.
  8. Borrero-Pérez, G.H., Díaz-Sánchez, C.M, Benavides-Serrato, M. (2016). Equinodermos. Invertebrados innovadores. p. 156-177. En: Vides, M., D. Alonso, E. Castro y N. Bolaños (Ed.). Biodiversidad del mar de los siete colores. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras – INVEMAR y Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina - CORALINA. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del INVEMAR No. 84, Santa Marta – Colombia. 228 p + tablas + inserto.
  9. Clark, A.M., and Downey, M.E. (1992). Starfishes of the Atlantic. Natural History Museum Publications. Published by Chapman y Hall.
  10. Clark, H. (1939). Echinoderms (other than holothurians) collected on the Presidential cruise of 1938. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 98(11): 1-18.
  11. CORALINA. (2001). Plan de Manejo Ambiental Old Point Regional Mangrove Park 2001-2011. Documento Discusión. San Andrés. 35 p.
  12. CORALINA-NVEMAR. (2012). Gómez-López, D.I., C. Segura-Quintero, P.C. Sierra-Correa y J. Garay-Tinoco (Eds). Atlas de la Reserva de Biósfera Seaflower. Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives De Andréis” - INVEMAR y Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina -CORALINA. Serie de Publicaciones Especiales de INVEMAR No. 28. Santa Marta, Colombia 180 p.
  13. Diaz, J.M., Barrios, L.M., Gomez, D.I. (Eds). (2003). Las praderas de pastos marinos de Colombia: Estructura y Distribución de un ecosistema estratégico. INVEMAR. Serie Publicaciones Especiales No. 10. Santa Marta. 106 p.
  14. García, M.I., McCormick, C., Chow, R., Peñaloza, G., Connolly, E., Mitchell, A., Hudgson, G., Howard, M. (2003). Plan de Manejo del Área Marina Protegida Seaflower - Parte I. Proyecto Caribbean Archipelago Biosphere Reserve: Regional Marine Protected Area System CO-GM-P066646 GEF – TOC – CORALINA, San Andrés Isla. 278pp.
  15. García-Hanse, I., and Álvarez-León, R. (2007). Macroflora y macrofauna asociadas al cordón arrecifal de Little Reef (Isla de San Andrés, Colombia). Revista Luna Azul, 25:61-77. DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2007.25.5.
  16. INVEMAR -SIBM a. Acceso en línea en Ecorregión SAN. Consultado en: 29-06-2015.
  17. INVEMAR-ANH. (2012). Línea base ambiental en el Área de Régimen Común Jamaica - Colombia como aporte al aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos marinos compartidos. Informe técnico final. Santa Marta. 774 p.
  18. INVEMAR-SIBM b. Acceso en línea en Proyecto Expedición Providencia I. Consultado en: 19-09-2018.
  19. INVEMAR-SIBM c. Acceso en línea en Proyecto ANH ARC Jamaica. Consultado en: 17-07-2018.
  20. Lasso, Z.J. (2007a). Informe de gestión y acciones del Old Point Regional Mangrove Park. Proyecto “Protección y Conservación de Los Recursos de la Biodiversidad y de los Ecosistemas Estratégicos en la Reserva de la Biosfera Seaflower” Documento de discusión CORALINA.60pp.
  21. Lasso, Z.J. (2007b). Las acciones desarrolladas por la Corporación para lograr la recuperación, conservación, protección y uso sostenible de los recursos naturales presentes en los manglares del parque regional Old Point, incluyendo evaluación técnica y participativa de la implementación del parque regional. Proyecto Protección y Conservación de los recursos de la biodiversidad y de los ecosistemas estratégicos dentro de la Reserva de Biosfera Seaflower. Informe Técnico. CORALINA. 35p.
  22. Mejía-Ladino, L.M., Gómez, D.I., Montoya-Cadavid E., Navas-Camacho, R. (2008). Actualización de la línea base de flora y fauna marina y costera del Parque Regional Old Point. Informe Técnico Final. Santa Marta. 60 pp.
  23. NMNH - National Museum of Natural History. Acceso en línea en Consultado en: 23-06-2015.
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  26. Quiñones, R. (1981). Lista preliminar de los equinodermos. 35-45. En: Werding, B., J. Garzón, y S. Zea (Eds.) Informe sobre los resultados de la expedición a las islas de Providencia y Santa Catalina. Invemar, Santa Marta, 75 p.
  27. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras "José Benito Vives de Andreis", Universidad del Magdalena, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Fundación Malpelo y Otros Ecosistemas Marinos, Coralina y ECOMARES (2016). Caracterización de equinodermos de la Serrana durante la Expedición Seaflower 2016. Versión 1.1. 39 registros, aportados por: Benavides M, Campos N, Bustos D, Perez D, Howard A, Pizarro D, Forbes, T, González JD. Conjunto de datos/Registros biológicos.
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  30. Alvarado-Barrientos, J.J., and Solís-Marín, F.A. (Eds.) (2013) Echinoderm Research and Diversity in 224 Latin America, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20051-9 _ 5.
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Borrero-Pérez GH, Benavides-Serrato M, Campos NH, Galeano-Galeano E, Gavio B, Medina J and Abril-Howard A (2019) Echinoderms of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve: State of Knowledge and New Findings. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:188. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00188

目的 This dataset is reported in the data report “Echinoderms of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve: state of knowledge and new findings” published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science 6:188, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00188
維護說明 Future updates of the list will be published in this repository. Changes incorporated to each new version of the list will be summarized in the respective metadata section.
替代的識別碼 10.15472/iipeom
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00188