InvBasa UN

Version 1.0 Publié par InvBasa le 14 mai 2020 InvBasa
We document here the occurrences of invasive species uploaded to the InvBasa platform. This platform was created for the registration of alien and invasive species occurrences in Colombia. The project was born as a response to the problematic introduction of Basa fish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)to the Magdalena river basin in Colombia. Researchers from the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN) and Fundación Humedales documented this problematic and together with the Biodiversity Informatics Program of the ICN, developed the platform and mobile app. Invbasa´s goals are to register direct observations of alien species in the field by citizen scientists.
Date de publication:
14 mai 2020
Hébergé par:
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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InvBasa UN (2020): Ocurrencies of alien species registered by the InvBasa Platform. v1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Fundación Humedales. Dataset/Occurrence. http://ipt.biodiversidad.co/sib/resource?r=invbasa-un&v=1.0


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Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 0360ffaf-8506-4de8-a392-f1d3d0233b36.  InvBasa publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du Colombian Biodiversity Information System.


Alien species; Invasora; UICN; InvBasa; invasive species; Colombia; Ulex europaeus; Pangasianodon hypophthalmus; Achatina fulica; Lithobates catesbeianus; Occurrence; Observation


Personne ayant créé cette ressource:

. InvBasa UN
Proyecto Invbasa
Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Fundacion Humedales
Bogotá D.C

Personne pouvant répondre aux questions sur la ressource:

Henry Agudelo Zamora
Coordinador proyectos Informatica de la Biodiversidad
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
Maria Pinilla Vargas
Coordinadora de Biodiversidad y Conservación
Fundación Humedales

Personne ayant renseigné les métadonnées:

Henry Agudelo
Coordinador proyectos Informatica de la Biodiversidad
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
Maria Pinilla
Coordinadora Biodiversidad y Conservación
Fundación Humedales
Calle 81 # 19a-18 OF 301
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C

Autres personnes associées à la ressource:

Chercheur Principal
José Iván Mojica Corzo
Profesor Asociado
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
Lauren Raz
Profesora Asociado
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
Mauricio Valderrama
Fundación Humedales
Calle 81 # 19a-18 OF 301
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
Henry Agudelo-Zamora
Coordinador proyectos Programa Informatica de la Biodiversidad
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
Andres Esteban Páez Torres
Ingeniero de Sistemas Programa Informatica de la Biodiversidad
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
María Pinilla
Coordinadora Biodiversidad y Conservación
Fundación Humedales
Calle 81 # 19a-18 OF 301
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
Andrea del Pilar Villalba
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C
Karina Serrano
Diseñadora Programa Informatica de la Biodiversidad
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá D.C
Bogotá D.C

Couverture géographique

The occurrences of alien and invasive species in Colombia came mainly from 12 departments and the area of the special district of Bogotá.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-4,916, -79,805], Nord Est [13,753, -66,973]

Couverture taxonomique

All the registries are identified to the lowest possible taxon that is species, however, the fishes of the Cichlidae family that came from Africa were identified until genus.

Kingdom  Plantae,  Animalia
Class  Magnoliopsida,  Actinopterygii
Order  Pulmonata,  Anura

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2003-06-28 / 2019-10-21

Données sur le projet

Developed a platform for the registry and divulgation of the presence and condition of alien, transplanted, and invasive species of flora and fauna.

Titre InvBasa Platform for the registry of alien and invasive species in Colombia.
Financement JRS Biodiversity Fundation, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Fundación Humedales
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Colombia
Description du design The project is based in the citizen sciences where the users send the registry of they think is an alien species via the app and the InvBasa team corroborates the registry and assigns the taxonomic category and publish in the web platform.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Andres Esteban Paez
Lauren Raz
Chercheur Principal
Jose Iván Mojica Corzo
Mauricio Valderrama
Maria Pinilla
Karina Serrano
Andrea Villalba

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Each citizen scientist creates a user account on their mobile phone and contribute to the data of species distribution that they encounter in the field. The GPS smartphone print in the photo the location of the registry to decide each occurrence location and the next step is to send the photo to the InvBasa project the registry.

Etendue de l'étude Colombia
Contrôle qualité The control quality is based in two stages, the first is the geographical control where we check the valid coordinates of the registry and the second is check or assign the taxonomic identity

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. When the server receives each registry of occurrence, the first step is the revision of the taxonomic classification by the InvBasa team. The team also checks that the geographical information lies within the countries boundaries and when the occurrence is approved, it is published on the website, so it becomes available to the general public.

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Baptise, M., Castaño, N., Cardenas, D., Gutierrez, F., Gil, D., & Lasso, C. (2010). Análisis de riesgo y propuesta de categorización de especies introducidas para Colombia. Bogotá: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt.

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs 10.15472/ncgtty