Microorganismos asociados con la filósfera de plantas de Espeletia en el PNN los Nevados

Dernière version Publié par Corporación CorpoGen le 19 novembre 2020 Corporación CorpoGen
These microorganisms were collected from the phyllosphere of Espeletia plants located in paramo ecosystems in the National Natural Park Los Nevados. The work was part of the Colombian Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics, GEBIX, a research consortium than worked on metagenomics and bioprospecting from 2008 to 2014.
Date de publication:
19 novembre 2020
Hébergé par:
Corporación CorpoGen
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Zambrano M M, Ruiz C, Acosta I C (2020): Microorganismos asociados con la filósfera de plantas de Espeletia en el PNN los Nevados. v1.5. Corporación CorpoGen. Dataset/Occurrence. https://doi.org/10.15472/avygwj


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Phyllosphere microbiome; Espeletia phyllosphere; Occurrence; Observation


Personne ayant créé cette ressource:

María Mercedes Zambrano
Directora Científica
Corporación Corpogen
Carrera 5 #66A-34
110231 Bogotá
Carlos Ruiz
Corporación Corpogen
Carrera 5 #66A-34
110231 Bogotá
Ivan Camilo Acosta
Corporación Corpogen
Carrera 5 #66A-34
110231 Bogotá

Personne pouvant répondre aux questions sur la ressource:

María Mercedes Zambrano
Directora Científica
Corporación Corpogen
Carrera 5 #66A-34
110231 Bogotá

Personne ayant renseigné les métadonnées:

SiB Colombia
María Mercedes Zambrano
Directora Científica
Corporación Corpogen
Carrera 5 #66A-34
110231 Bogotá
Angela Cantillo
Corporación Corpogen

Autres personnes associées à la ressource:

Corporación Corpogen
Corporación Corpogen
Carrera 5 #66A-34
110231 Bogotá

Couverture géographique

The samples were collected at a specific location within the PNN los Nevados (04°52'27'' N 75°15'51.4'' W). This park is located on the Cordillera Central in Colombia, it has altitudes between 2,600 and 5,321 m.a.s.l., and an area of approximately 58,300 hectares with diverse ecosystems (Van Wyngaarden, W., & Fandiño, M. 2002). It is located within the Departments of Caldas (Municipio de Villamaría), Risaralda (Municipios de Santa Rosa de Cabal y Pereira), Quindío (Municipio de Salento) and Tolima (Municipios de Ibagué, Anzoátegui, Santa Isabel, Murillo, Villahermosa, Casabianca y Herveo)(www.parquesnacionales.gov.co/).

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [4,874, -75,27], Nord Est [4,874, -75,27]

Couverture taxonomique

Microorganismos pertencientes a Bacteria y Eukarya, en la mayoría a nivel de género.

Domain  Bacteria,  Eukarya

Couverture temporelle

Date de début 2013-04-12

Données sur le projet

The Colombian Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics of Extreme Environments (GeBiX) was established in 2008 and carried out research until 2014. This Center worked as a network that involved 14 research groups in 7 national institutions (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogotá, Universidad del Cauca, Universidad del Valle, Universidad de Caldas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Corporación Corpogen and ParqueSoft). The work was centered on metagenomics, bioinformatics and bioprospecting of microorganisms with the aim of building capacity for work using novel omic approaches and to provide the basis for value-added work on biodiversity. The center carried out a variety of different projects that reflected the interests of the researchers. The work involved studies of microbial diversity and metagenomics of ecosystems within the National Natural Park los Nevados in Colombia, bioprospecting using both microbial isolates, metagenomic libraries and metagenomic data mining, studies on microbial ecology and the development of workflows for bioinformatic analysis and new strategies for data analysis. We also carried out work on legal aspects and intellectual property rights in order to comply with existing regulations and to propose work schemes based on the researchers' interests. This particular work involved the study and analysis of microorganisms associated with endemic Espeletia plants in the Páramo ecosystem of the Park.

Titre Bioprospección, bioinformática y metagenómica en el Parque Nacional Natural los Nevados
Identifiant Gebix4
Financement Colciencias Universidad y Centros participantes
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Espeletia plant phyllosphere
Description du design The idea was to analyze microbial communities associated with endemic Espeletia plants. Communities were analyzed by massive sequencing (Ruiz-Pérez, 2016) and isolates were obtained to identify properties that enable microbial survival in these locations.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Chercheur Principal
María Mercedes Zambrano
Carlos Ruiz
Ivan Camilo Acosta

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Leaf samples from various plant parts were taken, in triplicate, and transported to the lab where they were processed to recover culturable microorganisms and DNA.

Etendue de l'étude Microbial isolates were obtained from Espeletia leaves sampled from plants located in páramo ecosystems (04°52'27'' N 75°15'51.4'' W).

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Microbes were recovered from leaf surfaces by plating on solid R2A Agar (Difco) and Tryptone soy agar (TSA, Oxoid), and incubating several days at 25ºC. Strains were purified by re-streaking, characterized by growth on various media, and checked for the ability to withstand UVC and temperature changes. Strains were identified by sequence analysis of either the 16S rRNA gene or the ITS region.

Données de collection

Nom de la collection Cepario Corpogen
Identifiant de collection Registro Nacional de Colecciones Biológicas:140
Identifiant de la collection parente CG
Méthode de conservation des spécimens Deep frozen

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Ruiz-Pérez CA, Restrepo S, Zambrano MM. 2016. Microbial and functional diversity within the phyllosphere of Espeletia species in an Andean high-mountain ecosystem. Appl Environ Microbiol 82:1807–1817 doi:10.1128/AEM.02781-15
  2. Van Wyngaarden, W., & Fandiño, M. (2002) Parque Nacional los Nevados. Un caso de selección y zonificación de áreas de conservación biológica. In Serie Investigación 4. Javergraf (ed.) Bogotá - Colombia: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Métadonnées additionnelles

Objet These strains were obtaine to have a collection of microorganisms from plants in the páramo ecosystems in order to study possible adaptations to harsh environmental conditions such as resistance to UV and daily temperature changes.
Identifiants alternatifs doi:10.15472/avygwj